Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

It is possible to develop a courses program in accordance with customer requirements for duration and content.

Согласованная программа повышения квалификации

According to the results of the courses, students receive professional development certificates by the established sample.

Конус обучения Эдгара Дейла
In order to increase the material assimilation degree by students in the course program in addition to the theoretical part the practical work!
It is possible to develop the practical part of the course, taking into account the specifics of the customer on the basis of the materials provided by the customer.
Группа слушателей от ПАО "Газпром нефть" за проведением лабораторной работы в рамках курса повышения квалификации
It is possible to organize on-site training courses and seminars on the customer’s territor.
Выездная лекция для руководства Департамента ПАО "Газпром"

In agreement with the customer, the course program may include a visit to the leading compressor enterprises of St. Petersburg.

Группа слушателей ООО "РН-Ванкор" на предприятии Невский завод - РЭПХ
Группа слушателей ООО "РН-Ванкор" на предприятии Компрессорный комплекс
Группа слушателей ПАО "Гзпром нефть" на заводе Сименс

Within the framework of the courses, input and output control of knowledge is mandatory — students see how their level of knowledge in the subject area of the course has increased!

Выходной экзамен у группы слушателей
Выходной экзамен у группы слушателей

Our advanced training courses traditionally receive high marks from students of both consumer enterprises and compressor equipment manufacturers!