Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Specialists of the KViHT scientific group take part as developers, teachers and leaders of educational programs in the leading universities of St. Petersburg

The competencies of our specialists allow them to participate as leaders, teachers and developers in educational programs of the leading universities in St. Petersburg. Significant experience in performing work for the real sector of the economy makes the knowledge transferred to students within the framework of educational programs highly relevant.

As an example, the disciplines that were developed, conducted and / or are being conducted by specialists of the scientific group of KViHT in accordance with their competencies are selectively given.

National Research University ITMO

  • Design of compressors with a dynamic principle of operation;
  • Fundamentals of design of volumetric compressor and expansion machines;
  • Automated calculation of thermophysical and transport properties of cryogenic gases and their mixtures;
  • Automated calculation of thermophysical and transport properties of natural gas and its main components;
  • Theoretical foundations for the production and transportation of hydrocarbon energy carriers;
  • Thermal processes in systems for the production and storage of hydrogen;
  • Diagnostics of the technical condition and testing of equipment for the production and transportation of liquefied hydrocarbon energy carriers;
  • Technologies for the use of greenhouse gases and hydrogen in the oil and gas, chemical and energy industries;
  • Design of compressor equipment for decarbonization processes;
  • Wind power and hydropower;
  • Technologies for monitoring, capturing and removing greenhouse gases;
  • Greenhouse gas transportation and storage systems;
  • Digital transformation of enterprises in the fuel and energy complex;
  • Turbomachines of low-temperature engineering and energy systems;
  • Natural gas pipeline transportation;
  • Mathematical modeling of thermophysical and transport properties of gases;
  • Technology for the production of liquefied hydrocarbon energy carriers, oil and gas processing;
  • Design of equipment for the production and storage of hydrogen;
  • Systems for the production, storage, transportation and use of hydrogen;
  • ESG strategy of the company and legal framework for sustainable development of the complex;
  • Low carbon economy;
  • Mathematical modeling of thermophysical and transport properties of gases and technological processes of decarbonization;
  • Design of equipment for the production, transportation, storage and use of hydrogen decarbonization;
  • Hydrogen production, storage, transportation and use systems.

Saint Petersburg Mining University

  • Mathematical modeling in the tasks of the oil and gas industry;
  • Hydraulics;
  • Mathematical models of hydrocarbon transport and storage processes;
  • Scientific basis for the design and operation of pumping and compressor stations.

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

  • Theory of turbocompressors;
  • Turbocompressors (in English for international students);
  • Compressors in the power industry;
  • Advanced technologies in the production, operation and modernization of power machines;
  • Advanced methods of calculation and design of compressors and auxiliary equipment of the Oil&Gas and energy industry;
  • Design of axial compressors;
  • Digital resources in scientific research;
  • Modern problems of science and production in power engineering;
  • Theory of automatic regulation and automation of power machines;
  • Computer technologies CAD (in English);
  • Digital approaches to the operation of compressor stations;
  • Compressor dynamics and strength;
  • Piston compressors;
  • Screw compressors;
  • Dynamics, vibration strength of compressor machines and auxiliary equipment;
  • Diagnostics and reliability of power machines;
  • Industrial tests and experimental studies of power plants: planning, processing and analysis of data;
  • Aircraft engine compressors;
  • and others (more than 50 disciplines in total).

You can see information about the advanced training courses conducted by our group in the section of our website «Further education courses»

We will be glad to see you as listeners in our classes and lectures!