Head of the group, Ph. D., associate professor
Was born on Fabruary 24, 1981 in Leningrad.
In 2003 graduated from the bachelor degree, and in 2005 graduated from the master degree of the «Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration enginnering» Department (CVRE) of SPbSTU (now Peter the Great SPbPU). In 2007, prematurely graduated from post graduate school with a PhD thesis at the same Department. In 2010 he defended his diploma at the state University Higher school of Economics (HSE) on the topic of assessing the effectiveness of investment projects in the gas industry with the award of a Certificate for the best diploma project in the course.
2006-2013 the Council member, Scientific Secretary Of the Compressor and Pneumatics Engineers Association (ASKOMP).
In 2004-2005 worked as a leading specialist of technical CAD Pro/ENGINEER support, design engineer in FGUP «Central design Bureau of mechanical engineering» STC «Energonasos», ROSATOM.
In 2005-2008 — CVRE assistant Professor, since 2008 – CVRE associate Professor, since 2013 – acting head of the CVRE Department, the Scientific Council member of the Institute of energy and transport systems. In 2016, is elected as a head of the CVRE Department by the Academic Council of St. Petersburg state University. Since September 2019, after the merger of the university departments into enlarged structures — Higher Schools, the head of the scientific direction «Research of compressor equipment and systems of compression, transport and processing of gas». In parallel with the main place of work with SPbPU, since September 2021, external part-time work as an assistant professor at the Department of Transport and Storage of Oil and Gas of the St. Petersburg Mining University.
Since 2014, the SPbPU Polytechnic supercomputer center Expert Council member (the 3rd largest supercomputer center in Russia).
From January to June 2019-acting Director of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Institute of energy and transport systems.
Research interests: calculation and design of high-performance flow parts and model stages for centrifugal and axial compressors for oil gas and other industries; improvement of methods for solving direct multidisciplinary (aerodynamics-strength-deformation) and non-stationary problems in turbocompressors and power equipment using a supercomputer; development and improvement of a mathematical model for calculating turbocompressors and pneumatic networks based on an array of experimental data. The author of the centrifugal compressors impellers modeling the pressure characteristics method based on the calculation of inviscid flow. The author of the setting and conducting a computational experiment for turbochargers and their elements methodology by methods of computational fluid dynamics, including the use of a supercomputer. Head of the scientific group on mathematical modeling, computer simulation of real working processes, solving multidisciplinary and optimization problems in turbocompressors, pneumatic systems, power and industrial equipment using a supercomputer.
The author of more than 140 foreign and russian publications on compressor and pneumatic systems, including 2 scientific monographs and 5 textbooks, two of which were awarded the prize of the St. Petersburg Government, foreign publications in Scopus publications. Member of the International Symposium organizing committees «Consumers – manufacturers of compressors and compressor equipment» (Russia) and the conference on compressor equipment SIMKOM (Poland). Participant as a member of the organizing Committee and speaker in more than 10 foreign and more than 50 compressor, oil and gas, scientific and technical domestic, international and all-Russian conferences and forums, including on annual basis.
Two-times winner of the national competition for grants of Russian Federation President for scientific research in 2009-2010 and 2012-2013 two-times winner of the national competition awards in the field of energy and related Sciences «New generation» established by the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAO «EES of Russia» in 2005 and 2007 two-times winner of grants awards for practice-oriented research to young scientists, young PhD of universities and academic institutions located on the territory of St. Petersburg in 2009 and 2012 Three-times winner of St. Petersburg grant competitions of young scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions and academic institutions located on the territory of St. Petersburg in 2008, 2013 and 2015.
Is the head of a number of large contract works commissioned by the industry.
The head and the leading lecturer of 14 programs of additional professional education (advanced training courses) for the industry on compressor construction and pneumatic systems developed with personal direct participation.
Supervisor of 8 graduate students. Has trained more than 50 graduates, including masters in the international educational program in English. Has prepared and reads a course of lectures to students and postgraduate students: «Theory of turbomachines» (course awarded a Government prize of St. Petersburg in 2008) and «Turbocompressors» — for students of CVRE Department, «Energy machines and plants» in 2008-2012 for students of the Department «Turbines, hydraulic machines and aviation engines» (THaAE); developed and implemented in the educational process of the CVRE Department discipline on computer modeling of working processes in turbocompressors with the use of modern software systems and supercomputers.
Scientometric indicators of Y.V. Kozhukhov: