Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

The main direction of the Department (years of existence of the Department: 1930-2019) and created by its specialists scientific and engineering center «Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration and systems of gas transport and processing» are research and development in the field of compressor technology.



The history of the scientific and technical school of our center dates back to 1930!

August 21, 1930 at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute by the name of M. I. Kalinin the Department of compressor engineering was created. The world’s first specialized Department of compressors and compressor technology.

The first chair was an outstanding scientist of power engineering Konstantin Ivanovich Strakhovich!

During the years of existence of Department CVRT from 1930 to 2019, 145 candidate’s and 16 doctoral thesis were written and defended at the Department.

Константин Иванович Страхович - первый заведующий кафедрой компрессоростроения ЛПИ

Konstantin Ivanovich Strakhovich — the first head of the LPI compressor equipment department.

К.П. Селезнев

Konstantin Pavlovich Seleznev — founder of the scientific school of compressor engineering in LPI-SPbPU. . from 1960 to 1989 he was the head of the LPI compressor engineering Department – the country compressor engineering leading scientific center. In 1973 – 1983 he was the rector of the Institute. After 1989 he was a Professor — scientific director of research groups related to the topic of centrifugal compressors of high and ultrahigh pressure.

Chairman of the petroleum Ministry NTS and USSR chemical industry, Chairman of the compressor engineering section.

We have a significant experimental and verification base of CFD modeling results

Стенд центробежный компрессор
Центробежный компрессор характеристика
Центробежный стенд характеристика

The Department has 7 test benches with a total capacity of about 3.5 MW. There is also a closed loop stand for pressure up to 100 ATM. Also at the Department there are 10 laboratory stands with a total capacity of about 500 kW.


Model stages of the Department

For decades of Department design and experimental activities the huge database was created:
— more than 300 full-scale tests of centrifugal compressor stages;
— more than 150 tests of compressor flow elements;
— more than fifty results of unsteady processes field studies in centrifugal compressors

ступень компрессора
центробежный компрессор

Experimental stands of the CVRE Department

Стенд для испытания моделей центробежных компрессоров (мощность до 800 кВт, регулируемое число оборотов до 18000 об/мин)

Stand for testing models of centrifugal compressors (power up to 800 kW, adjustable speed up to 18000 rpm)

Стенд замкнутого контура

Stand for centrifugal compressors testing models at pressures up to 100 ATM.

Experimental studies of compressor models on special stands are necessary for the development of the design problems theory and solution.

The scale of the research results implementation.

For example, only for the gas industry of OAO «Gazprom» and other countries more than 50 implemented compressor projects in the amount of more than 330 parts with an installed capacity of about 5 million kW – this is about 10% of all centrifugal compressors for compressing natural gas of OAO»Gazprom».

Пример: Пятиступенчатый нагнетатель 108-51-1 с конечным давлением 12,3 МПа. (Первый компрессор нового поколения для газовой промышленности. Газодинамический проект кафедры КВиХТ СПбПУ.

Example: five-stage supercharger 108-51-1 with a final pressure of 12.3 MPa. (The first compressor of a new generation for the gas industry. Gas dynamics project of the CVRE Department.

Design and computer modeling of compressors

Осерадиальное центробежное колесо

Axial impeller of the project «RK-6», П=1.74, polytropic efficiency of the impeller in total parameters at the design mode is η*п st=0,915.

The Department has its own methods of centrifugal compressors flow parts gas-dynamic design, including its own methods of high-efficiency axial impellers design.

According to US rating agencies in 2016, the Department’s research on large-sized ORC of the Central Committee is the world’s leading.

Projects of natural gas modern and perspective compressors executed by experts of the scientific and engineering center.

Центробежный компрессор с осевым подводом
компрессор природного газа
Рабочее колесо компрессора
Рабочее колесо компрессора

Projects of modern and perspective air compressors.

Авиационные компрессор
Авиационный компрессор
Авиационный компрессор
Авиационный компрессор

Projects of modern and perspective compressors of General industrial purpose.

Центробежный компрессор
Центробежный компрессор
Центробежный компрессор

Projects of axial compressors.

Проект модернизации в целях повышения КПД и уменьшения массогабаритных показателей компрессора авиационного ГТД Д-36

Modernization project in order to increase efficiency and reduce the weight and size of the aviation turbine engine D-36 compressor

Осевой компрессор
Проект осевого компрессора природного газа магистрального газопровода

Project of main gas pipeline natural gas axial compressor

Study of three-dimensional viscous flow stage K-100-2L.

Исследование трехмерного вязкого течения ступени К-100-2Л.
Исследование трехмерного вязкого течения ступени К-100-2Л.
Исследование трехмерного вязкого течения ступени К-100-2Л.

Projects of compressor units and installations.

Герметичный блок-модуль газоперекачивающего агрегата мощностью N=16 МВт подводного расположения на устье скважины Штокмановского месторождения

Sealed unit-module of gas pumping unit with capacity N=16 MW underwater location at the wellhead of Shtokman field.

Компрессорная установка по утилизации попутного нефтяного газа с ротационно-пластинчатым компрессором

Compressor unit for utilization of associated petroleum gas with rotary-plate compressor

Software packages used.

CAD programs

As well as software products of our own design!

An example conducted a multi-parameter optimization performed at the department supercomputer.

As a result of multi-criteria optimization carried out by the Department, it was possible to increase the calculated efficiency of the model stage of NZL-REPH by 1.58%

Проточная часть центробежного компрессора
Проточная часть центробежного компрессора
Многопараметрическая оптмизация

For more than 30 years the Department of “Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering” has been conducting research in the field of non-stationary processes in turbo compressors.

A characteristic system of protection against the turbo compressors surging is being developed.
Собственный кафедральный стенд по исследованию нестационарных явлений в проточной части, в том числе предсрыва, срыва потока и попмажа

Own department stand about the study of non-stationary phenomena in the flow part, including pre-stall, stall flow and surging.

Датчики замера пульсаций
Датчики замера пульсаций
Замеряемые диаграммы пульсаций

The advantages of the protection characteristic system against the turbo compressor surging compared with the traditional-parametric are:

  1. Determination of the reliable surge beginning boundary, regardless of the current operating turbo compressor conditions.
  2. Expansion of the turbo compressor stable operation zone not less than 5% towards to the surging direction.
  3. Real-time monitoring of the turbo compressor gas-dynamic stability parameters.


Пример: характеристика центробежного компрессора природного газа с указанием зоны попмажа

Example: a characteristic of a centrifugal natural gas compressor with surging zone indication.

Volumetric compressor

Since 1930 to 2017, 40 phd and 4 doctoral theses about volumetric compressors were defended at the department.

Френкель Марк Исаакович. Выпускник и преподаватель кафедры КВиХТ, учёный, основоположник научной школы По поршневым компрессорам в СССР.

Frenkel Mark Isaakovich. A graduate and lecturer of the CVRE Department, a scientist, the founder of the scientific school about piston compressors in the USSR.

Стенды исследования поршневого компрессора

Piston compressor study stands

A program of piston compressors calculation has been created at the CVRE department:

Программа расчета поршневых компрессоров
Программа расчета поршневых компрессоров
Программа расчета поршневых компрессоров
Программа расчета поршневых компрессоров


Piston compressors
Динамический анализ
Динамический анализ

Dynamic analysis

Расчет напряжений

Tension calculation

Расчет глушителей

Silencers calculation


Rotary vane compressor








Screw compressors

Винтовые компрессоры
Винтовые компрессоры

Screw compressors

Круговой профиль

Circular profiles

Ассимтричный профиль

Asymmetric profiles

Циклоидный профиль

Cycloid profiles



The Scientific and Engineering Center «Compressor, Vacuum, Refrigeration and Pneumatic Systems» actively uses modern software systems ANSYS, Vista CCD, AFD, Numeca, Comsol, NREC, IOSO, as well as software systems of its own design.
8-ступенчатый центробежный компрессор
Двухступенчатый центробежный компрессор
Расчетная характеристика
Примеры работ
All calculation work carried out by our scientific and engineering centre is based on our own model tests (more than 350 tests). Calculations in software packages are carried out with the mandatory validation of the received data. Solving non-stationary tasks URANS SST and LES.
Примеры работ
URANS SST and LES unsteady tasks solution.
Пример работ


Pneumatic audits and the development of optimal pneumatic systems with any complexity for enterprises on the basis of mathematical modelling on their own software verified on real objects.

Программа моделирования пневмосетей
Программа моделирования пневмосетей
Программа моделирования пневмосетей
Оптимизированная схема пневмосети