Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Deputy head of the science and engineering group

In 2005 graduated from the Department of «Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering» at St. Petersburg state Polytechnic University, receiving a master’s degree in engineering and technology; In 2020 graduated from the postgraduate study of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in the direction of «Mechanical Engineering»

In the period from 2002 to 2014 worked in the direction of compressor and vacuum equipment, as well as pneumatic systems at the following enterprises:

ZAO «Metallurgical plant «Petrostal», the operator of compressor units.

FGUP «Central design Bureau of mechanical engineering», design engineer. He carried out design and supervision of ventilation and radiation control systems blower equipment installation of Bushehr NPP and Tianwanska NPP. He participated in the development of forevacuum and turbomolecular vacuum pumps.

OOO » Lentransgaz «(currently OOO «Gazprom transgaz St. Petersburg»), engineer of design and estimate management. Carried out design and supervision of gas transportation system objects construction of OAO «Gazprom».

ZAO «Atlas Copco». He managed supply projects (including international ones), installation of compressor equipment and construction of compressor stations as a project manager on the side of gen. contractor’s.

The total capacity of compressor stations built and commissioned to customers under projects headed by S. V. Kartashov is about 40 Megawatts (about 150 units of compressors), including block-modular compressor stations.

2014-2019: assistant — Deputy head of the «Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering» Department on contractual work. 2019-2020: assistant of the Higher school of power engineering.

January 2019-June 2019 — Deputy Director of the Institute for marketing and industrial relations (Institute of energy and transport systems of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University).

He has a second higher education in the specialty «Economics and management at the enterprise»

Contact phone numbers: +7 (981) 123-90-80.


Scientometric indicators of S.V. Kartashov:

Scopus ID

Elibrary ID