Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Photo archive

Photo archive (until 04.2019)

Examples of performed work


Gas-dynamic design and development of sketches and models of elements of the flow path of the compressor stage of the turbo-expander unit TDA-182.2/11.6

GPA axial compressors gas dynamic and design parameters efficiency research and analysis in order to determine the rational scope of application

ПАО Газпром

Survey analysis on the reliability of gas infrastructure equipment

Pneumatic audit conducting of the electrodepo «Nevsky» GUP «Peterburgskiy metropolitan”


Costumers feedback


Scientific and engineering group Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing