Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Abstract. This paper provides the results of the study of a spatial flow in a low-flow stage of a SVD-22 centrifugal compressor of computational fluid dynamics methods using the Ansys CFX 14.0 software package. Low flow stages are used as the last stages of multistage centrifugal compressors. Such multistage compressors are widely used in boosting compressor stations for natural gas, in chemical industries. The flow features  in low-flow stages require independent research. This is due to the fact that the developed techniques for designing centrifugal compressor stages are created for medium-flow and high-flow stages and do not apply to low-flow stages. Generally at manufacturing new centrifugal compressors, it is impossible to make a control measurement of the parameters of the working process inside the flow path elements. Computational fluid dynamics methods are widely used to overcome this difficulties. However verification and validation of CFD methods are necessary for accurate modeling of the workflow. All calculations were conducted on one of the SPbPU clusters. Parameters of one cluster node: AMD Opteron 280 — 2 cores, 8GB RAM. The calculations were conducted using 4 nodes (HP MPI Distributed Parallel startup type) with their full load by parallelizing processes on each node.


Abstract. This paper presents the results of the study of the spatial flow in the turbocompressors elements of computational fluid dynamics methods using the Ansys CFX software package on a multiprocessor computer system. Five objects of research are considered: 1) flow path of an intermediate stage of an average-flow centrifugal compressor; 2) flow path of the low-flow centrifugal compressor stage; 3) a natural gas centrifugal compressor stage; 4) vaned diffuser of the first stage of an industrial multistage centrifugal compressor; 5) adjustable inlet stator of the first stage of an industrial turbocompressors. Generally at manufacturing new centrifugal compressors, it is impossible to make a control measurement of the parameters of the working process inside the flow path elements. Computational fluid dynamics methods are widely used to overcome this difficulties. However verification and validation of CFD methods are necessary for accurate modeling of the workflow. All calculations were performed on one of the SPbPU clusters. Parameters of one cluster: AMD Opteron 280 — 4 cores. The calculations were carried out with parallel running of the processors: HP MPI Distributed Parallel and HP MPI Local Parallel for different objects.

The Problem of Accounting for heat exchange between the flow and the flow part surfaces when modeling a viscous flow in low-flow stages of a centrifugal compressor

Abstract: In this paper, we review the problem of accounting for heat exchange between the flow and the flow part surfaces when creating a calculation model for modeling the workflow process of low-flow stages of a centrifugal compressor using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The objective selected for this study was a low-flow intermediate type stage with the conditional flow coefficient Փ = 0.008 and the relative width at the impeller exit b2/D2 = 0.0133. We show that, in the case of modeling with widespread adiabatic wall simplification, the calculated temperature in the gaps between the impeller and the stator elements is significantly overestimated. Modeling of the working process in the flow part was carried out with a coupled heat exchanger, as well as with simplified accounting for heat transfer by setting the temperatures of the walls. The gas-dynamic characteristics of the stage were compared with the experimental data, the heat transfer influence on the disks friction coefficient was estimated, and the temperature distributions in the gaps between disks and in the flow part of the stage were analyzed. It is shown that the main principle when modeling the flow in low-flow stage is to ensure correct temperature distribution in the gaps.

The investigation of absolute flow non-uniform velocity distributions influence at the centrifugal compressor axial radial impeller inlet using numerical calculation methods in ANSYS CFX.

Abstract. Currently, methods of numerical modelling are widely used. They are especially widely used in the design of turbo compressors. For the specific task of designing new flowing parts of a centrifugal compressor, it is not recommended to deviating from the canonical design techniques, but it is preferable to supplement them with numerical methods. This article is devoted to the end two-element stage investigation of a centrifugal compressor with an axial radial impeller, the stage main dimensions were obtained by the method of V.F.  Rice. In order to obtain the necessary pressure characteristics and determine the dependence for the absolute velocity non-uniform distribution at the inlet to the axial radial impeller, the flow path main dimensions were optimized using numerical calculation methods.  The calculation was performed using the SST turbulence model using computational gas dynamics methods in the ANSYS CFX software environment.  Based on the optimization results, five compressor designs and corresponding characteristics were obtained.  The absolute velocity distribution nature at the inlet to the centrifugal compressor axial radial impeller for five flow path variants is investigated.  Empirical dependences are obtained for the deviation at the inlet to the absolute velocity in the hub section axial radial impeller and the absolute velocity deviation at the shroud from the absolute velocity at the average diameter based on the results of a numerical experiment.  Recommendations are made for further absolute velocity distributions investigating at the inlet to the compressor impeller.

Contamination effects study in the centrifugal compressor flow stage by means numerical simulation methods.

Abstract. At the moment there is no effective way to clean the flow of the turbine unit, which is justified from an economic point of view. It is important to understand how deposits affect compressor performance and the need to clean contaminants. In the available literature, such studies are not described. The computational the model stage domain for the study includes the following elements: inlet pipe, impeller, bladeless diffuser, swivel elbow, backward guide apparatus, outlet pipe. For calculations, the computational fluid dynamics methods in the Ansys software package were used. A numerical experiment was carried out in six mass flow rate variants, two impeller revolutions  variants, and three different sediment thicknesses in the flow part variants. Based on the numerical experiment the results, the calculated machine operating modes characteristics are constructed. The analysis revealed that the studied deposits cause a drop in the stage characteristics by 1.5-2%. Losses in the stage increase in proportion the thickness deposits in the compressor flow part.