Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Photo archive

Photo archive (until 04.2019)

Examples of performed work


Determination of the layout and main characteristics of the centrifugal exhaust gas blower

Development of a technical solution configuration for increasing flare gas pressure

Generalization of the main parameters of gas-dynamic characteristics of centrifugal natural gas compressors for gas pumping units of booster compressor stations in order to develop recommendations for predicting the type of gas-dynamic characteristics

Single-stage centrifugal compressor passage design with an axial impeller for GPA with a capacity of 32 MW

Сумское НПО им. М.С. Фрунзе

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Scientific and engineering group Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing