Scientific and engineering group

Compressor, vacuum, refrigeration engineering and systems of gas transport and processing

Created by specialists of the "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering" department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

21-st annual international industrial Symposium «Compressors and compressor equipment»

Participants of the 21-st Symposium

Participants of the 21-st Symposium

From May 29 to May 31, 2019 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University had been hosting the annual 21-st Industrial Symposium “Compressors and their equipment” by the name of K.P. Seleznev conducted by the Department of Compressor, Vacuum and Refrigeration Engineering of the Institute of Energy and Transport Systems.

This year, the Symposium gathered at the Polytechnic University more than 120 people from all cities of Russia, the CIS and foreign countries, more than 50 manufacturing companies and consumers of compressors and compressor equipment.

Симпозиум открыл президент СПбПУ М.П, Федоров

The symposium was opened by the president of SPbPU M.P. Fedorov

The 21-st international industrial symposium «Compressors and their equipment» was held with the support of the general sponsor — the research-and-production company «Entechmach». А company engaged in the turbocompressor equipment modernization development for chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical industries. PJSC «Gazprom»- the largest consumer of compressor equipment in Russia and the Council of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises chief mechanics in Russia and the CIS countries.

Symposium participants are top management, leading specialists, scientists from engineering and engineering enterprises specializing in the field of compressor engineering and after-sales services, as well as companies operating compressor equipment.

Major consumers of compressor equipment that took part in the Symposium: PJSC «Gazprom»and transport and production subsidiaries, PJSC «Gazprom Neft», LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ», PJSC » Novatek», PJSC » Severstal», LLC «Irkutsk Oil Company», SUE St. Petersburg Metropoliten, LLC «Gazprom gas-engine fuel»and others.

Symposium participants

Symposium participants

Production, service and modernization companies were represented by such industry leaders as PJSC SPA «Iskra», JSC “REP Holding”, JSC «Compressor», JSC «HMS Group», LLC RPC «Entechmach»,LLC «Siemens», LLC «Howden», LLC » Voith Turbo» ,LLC «Engineering Center Energoservice» , LLC » Iskra Neftegaz Compressor», LLC «Agromash», JSC «RUMO», SKF Group, BHGE, Ariel Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, IDEAL PLM and many other.

The Chairman of the symposium organizing committee Yu.V. Kozhukhov and First Deputy Head of the State Unitary Enterprise St. Petersburg Metropoliten E.G. Kozin

The Chairman of the symposium organizing committee Yu.V. Kozhukhov and First Deputy Head of the State Unitary Enterprise St. Petersburg Metropoliten E.G. Kozin

The program of the Symposium included speeches by representatives of the oil and gas industry, leaders and leading specialists in the compressor industry; in the Big Conference Hall of the Polytechnic Research Building, delegates were able to present their reports, ask questions and discuss modern problems of compressor engineering.

In addition to the official part of the work program of the symposium, the program included an unofficial part, including a gala dinner on a boat with a boat trip along the Neva river, where participants were able to discuss working issues without time limits for the performance schedule.

O.E. Vasin PJSC "Novatek"

O.E. Vasin PJSC «Novatek»

On the last day of the symposium, the participants, together with the organizers, visited the production facilities of LLC RPC «Entechmach», where company employees conducted a tour around the plant, presented their latest developments and equipment and answered guests’ questions. At the end of the Symposium, a bus excursion to Kronstadt was organized for delegates, where guests got acquainted with the main attractions and enjoyed views of the Gulf of Finland and the architecture of the city.

Report of LLC RPC "Entechmach"

Report of LLC RPC «Entechmach»

The main task of the annual international industrial symposium «Compressors and compressor equipment» is the possibility of interaction between leading companies in such a specialized branch of power engineering as compressor engineering. During the Symposium, the most important issues and problems of the industry are raised, promising projects are discussed and the foundations for future developments are laid, new agreements are concluded, including with potential industrial partners of SPbPU within the federal target programs of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Industry and Trade aimed at developing modern equipment samples. In addition, the event discusses the organization of additional educational programs for representatives of industrial companies at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, as well as the possibility of practical training and employment of polytechnic students at enterprises.

More detailed information can be found on the symposium page

Symposium participants

Symposium participants